Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why Cuticle Care Is So Important

In recent months I have seen a lot of  clients with awful cuticles so I wanted to write a blog post for those who aren't well enough informed about why cuticle care is so important. For those of you who aren't familiar with what I'm talking about, the cuticle is the loose flap of skin that surrounds your nail. It's very important to maintain your cuticles not only for aesthetic reasons but also to protect your nail matrix from infection and nail abnormalities. I made a short video on basic cuticle care( My first one! Argh!) so check it out and check out the AMAZING cuticle oil manufactured by Famous Names.

Inflamed due to improper cuticle care
 Dadi' Oil is a nail treatment oil designed to deliver flexibility, toughness, and shine to the natural nail, nail enhancement and the skin!  Dadi' Oil penetrates quickly and is completely non-greasy.  We combine three certified organic oils (certified organic is a high level of achievement by farmers who utilize water conservation and renewable techniques;  use no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides). AvocadoOlive and Jojoba oils combine to plasticize, moisturize, and soften.  We add Natural  Vitamin E (not synthetic tocopheryl acetate)  which is a powerful anti-oxident.  Our blend of 21 essential oils produce a smell good enough to eat! 

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